Insights from Pamela Chung

Aug 12, 2019

Read the latest insights from Pamela Chung, Tricor’s Managing Director, Commercial of Hong Kong:

HKEJ 2Pamela - HKEJ 2 - 20190812

(August 12, 2019) [Hong Kong Economic Journal (HKEJ) ] Pamela Chung - Always Getting One Step Ahead

Sharing her tips of success with the ever-changing IPO market, IPO Queen Pamela Chung recently talked to Hong Kong Economic Journal on building out her professional team and leading many successful IPO cases as Managing Director, Commercial of Tricor Hong Kong:

“Almost a year ago, I joined Tricor and started the new chapter of my career from scratch. One of the biggest challenges so far has been getting a step ahead of my previous self. Given that the nature of my work is kind of "asset-light", I believe that it is more important to look at the word-of-mouth reputation of our dedicated IPO team than an overall past track records. It is also expected that we should be able to build on our industry reputation and network to truly strategize and deepen client reach. Together with our One Tricor vision and our global reach, we are proud to be serving many dozens of IPO clients in Hong Kong, with resounding successes including Tai Hing Catering Group and S.A.I. Leisure Group.”


「新股女王」鍾絳虹坦言轉工後一切都要由零開始,目前最大的挑戰是要「打敗昨日的自己」。 由於現時上市的新股大多會選用同業過去曾聘用的服務供應商,故現時爭取客戶時,感覺就是要跟過去的自己對撼。 但鍾絳虹相信,其工作性質屬於「輕資產」,相較往績,團隊的口碑更重要。她現時已組成一隊專責處理IPO的團隊,預期在卓佳的工作會漸入佳境。 鍾絳虹轉職卓佳至今約9個月,手頭已有數十宗IPO客戶,包括已上市的太興與海天地。

Above: Excerpt from the article. Please refer to this link to view the articles in full.


(Jun 18, 2019) [Pamela Chung's Cable TV Interview)

As part of an interview with Cable TV, Pamela Chung, Tricor’s Managing Director, Commercial of Hong Kong, appeared in one TV segment to share the news of Tricor's new Hong Kong headquarters:

"We are excited to be moving our Hong Kong headquarters from Hopewell Centre to International Trade Tower - the overall work environment has improved and office space has increased 7% - while saving up to 1.32 million per month for rent."


(Mar 18, 2019) [Apple Daily – Boss Talk] Comradeship and trust come first. IPO Queen: Investment Bankers rely on camaraderie to handle deals

Many may equate investment bankers with greed and the “no money no talk” philosophy, but Pamela Chung, who is Tricor’s Managing Director, Commercial, Hong Kong, has a different view. Having handled over 600 IPO cases so far in her career, Pamela has also built up a supportive and trusted network of investment bankers who she knows always handle deals with professionalism and camaraderie.

With her moving to Tricor last year, Pamela cited support from many investment workers, who introduced her to new clients. Many also attended her Christmas party which Tricor organized to celebrate the success.

For every IPO case, working together with investment bankers, lawyers and professionals of different backgrounds is not dissimilar to putting together a show. Given the complexities of regulatory approvals and other last-minute events which may postpone an IPO or even lead to its cancellation, it really takes perseverance for the entire team: the show must go on.

Throughout her career from Jardine Matheson, Computershare to Tricor now, Pamela believe that apart from loyalty and trust, knowledge is the fundamental key to success. Staying in the same job for too long may slow down personal growth. Especially if you are not successful or happy in your current role, then it’s time to move on. Yet for professional industries, it takes time to build experience and know-how. If only staying in a position briefly, then there’s not enough time to build trust and enable integration based on previous learnings.

2019318)【蘋果日報 – Boss Talk】情與義值千金!新股女王:做刁嘅iBanker都有義氣!


鍾絳虹多年來參與至少600隻新股上市,投行及律師為她冠以「IPO Queen(新股女王)」。一宗新股,集合不同背景的iBanker、律師及其他專業服務人士,要求團體合作。鍾絳虹說:「好似唔同劇團嘅人join埋一齊,聯合演出一台戲。」

戲上映前,要花大量人力物力,例如要付高昂的律師費,又要應付監管機構的質問審批,去到最後一刻,往往發生意想不到的事情,處理不當會令新股上市延遲,甚至取消。「呢個時候就要有少少the show must go on嘅精神」。鍾絳虹曾說過,投行界合作時的友誼只是過眼雲煙,但去年她毅然離開工作了四分一世紀的中央證券登記,轉投卓佳,令她有新感受,「有啲banker都好支持,仲會同個客推薦我,話我真係信得過……始終唔同公司、唔同行業,做乜要幫你出聲啫?但原來真係會有人撐架。」去年聖誕節,卓佳為鍾絳虹舉辦聖誕派對,多位合作多時的iBanker都賞面出席,順道恭賀她事業更上一層樓。


Above: Excerpt from the article. Please refer to this link and this link to view the articles in full.


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