Employee Spotlight - Tricor Global | Understand more about the Tricor Community

Francisca Gunawan - Co-Managing Director, Accounting & Corporate Secretary Services - Tricor PT ASA

Written by Tricor Group | Sep 28, 2021

1. How do you measure success, what does success mean to you?

Success means different things to different people. One should not compare their own success to the success of others. I believe everybody can be successful in life, it all depends on how we value ourselves. To me, success is the progressive accomplishment of worthy goal – one that can also help others to succeed. Positive outcomes come from putting in our best efforts and applying our experience. Self-satisfaction comes from knowing we did our best to become the best. 

2. How do you keep employees engaged and motivated?

Clear communication and teamwork are vitally important – nobody achieves their goals working on their own. A good leader is both assertive and empathetic. 

3. How do you manage work-life balance?

I try to manage and work efficiently by prioritizing tasks carefully. Technology is a useful tool to improve productivity. It also helps to be open minded and look for opportunities in challenges. Remember to take a break, make time for yourself, and enjoy life.