Employee Spotlight - Tricor Global | Understand more about the Tricor Community

Cindy Elsbree – Account Executive of Tricor United States

Written by Tricor Group | Jul 11, 2019

Meet Cindy Elsbree , the Account Executive of Tricor United States. Cindy's past experiences includes TMF Group and has brought her valuable experience to our team. 

How do you measure success, what does success means to you?
I measure success by the satisfaction of my clients. We’re in a service business and if the client isn’t happy with the work that we’ve done for them, it would be hard to term it a success. 

What is the best career advice you’ve received and why?
I once had a mentor who told me that I wasn’t being paid to know all the answers; that my job - and my real value to the team and to the organization - was to get the answers.

How do you manage work-life balance?
This is the most vexing problem of them all, particularly in Silicon Valley. Due to the global nature of what we do at Tricor, my work is not strictly a 9-to-5 job. As a result, I have conference calls and meetings at unusual times. To balance all of that out, when I can get away and turn attention to my personal life, I try to do so with my full attention so that I am truly present and in the moment for my husband, my family and my friends. 

When did you join Tricor & Why did you join Tricor? 
I joined Tricor in June 2019. I chose to join Tricor because I was attracted to the company’s commitment to innovation and client satisfaction.