Employee Spotlight - Tricor Global | Understand more about the Tricor Community

Adam Stuckert - Group Chief Digital Officer, Tricor Group

Written by Tricor Group | Jan 11, 2021

1. How do you measure success, what does success mean to you?

I have always been motivated by a few principles, and I ask myself questions based on those principles to determine success. Am I working on interesting problems? Am I working with people I can learn from, and who push me to be my best? And can I see the impact of my work in the world? If I can answer yes to these questions, then I know that what I’m doing is aligned with my principles and I will find success.

2. How do you keep employees engaged and motivated? 

I’ve been lucky in my life and career to have the opportunity to tackle a lot of interesting, challenging projects. But not everybody is the same: some people like to gain deep expertise, some people like to face new situations all the time, some seek the experience of working in a really close team. To keep people engaged, I try to show my human side, understand what makes them fulfilled, and then work together to find the right opportunities and roles for them.

3. How do you manage work-life balance? 

Sometimes work can be unpredictable. You might have to work late, or move meetings around, or rush to finish something early. What I like to do is make the rest of my life relatively structured: wake up at the same time, carve out time to spend with family, and so on. That way the rest of my life provides a more relaxed balance to work. But at the same time, I try to find a bit of fun at the office – joking around a little, talking to people about their hobbies and interests – trying to make the “work” part of “work-life” more enjoyable as well.

4. When did you join Tricor and why? 

I joined Tricor in November, 2020 from KPMG. What I saw in this company is a lot of knowledgeable, talented people, with a set of clients that trust us and come back to us year after year. If I can add some of my knowledge of and experience in technology and digital experiences to the mix, we have a great base for delivering new products to our clients and pushing Tricor to even greater heights.